The Warrior Heart Practice: A Simple Process to Transform Confusion into Clarity and Pain into Peace (A Warrior Goddess Book)

"This book is a reflection of a warrior putting into practice all that she has learned, the moment when knowledge turns into wisdom, in order to heal a heart that is not afraid to love."
-- Don Miguel Ruiz Jr, author of The Mastery of Self & The Five Levels of Attachment

In this continuation of the Warrior Goddess path, author HeatherAsh Amara shares a revolutionary new method to help you reconnect with your sense of authenticity and power.

Too often we allow old narratives--about past failures, broken relationships, or damaging experiences--to define us, depleting our joy, limiting our passion, and whispering the poisonous lie that we are not enough.

The Warrior Heart Practice is a revolutionary new method that will help you reevaluate those well-worn narratives and shift your thinking and intentions in a new, empowered way. Based on the four divisions of the heart, the practice leads you forward through the four chambers of experience--Feeling, Story, Truth, Intent--gently questioning your own assumptions along the way, and then back through the chambers in the reverse, so that you emerge armed with a clear understanding of your situation and a new sense of purpose and power.

For those who have loved and lived Warrior Goddess Training and readers who are searching for a new freedom, The Warrior Heart Practice offers an inner revolution and a new path towards freedom.
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256 pages

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