Combining detailed physical description with perceptive psychological insight, Leo Tolstoy realistically sweeps aside the sham of surface appearances to lay bare man's intimate gestures, acts, and thoughts. Murder and sacrifice...greed and devotion...lust and affection...vanity and love - one by one, in this volume of great stories, Tolstoy dissects the basic drives, emotions and motives of average people searching for self-knowledge and spiritual perfection. Chekhov said, "Of coauthors my favorite is Tolstoy." And Turgenev "marveled the strength of his huge talent...It sends a cold shudder even down my back, though you know my back has become thick and course. He is a master, a master."
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85 pages

Average rating: 7.59




Community Reviews

E Clou
May 10, 2023
10/10 stars
The most important, most true, most amazing thing I have ever read. I wish I had read it sooner and often.

Death is one of the most important things humans must confront, but most of us don't until and unless we must. Instead, we are caught by surprise. When I had to confront it the first time (with the death of my father) I couldn't believe how unprepared our society had left me. There is a lot of information that would make us able to handle it more
Apr 17, 2023
10/10 stars
Is a really good window on a person whose about to die and only then comes to recognise the people around him . Who are there for benefits only
in cold blood
Mar 07, 2023
10/10 stars
So a guy dies in the lamest way possible and no one cares. This book is amazing.
Aug 12, 2022
We have not reviewed yet
May 12, 2022
Never have I read a book which looked at all the stages of death under such a meticulous scope without the delicacies of the deceptions we often force upon ourselves. Indeed, it called those out for what they were. From the aftermath to the life the ordinary man lived, describing him as an everyday average person which made him far more relatable than most of the main characters written about today. Then the subtle way he realized something was more

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