The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race

The bestselling author of Leonardo da Vinci and Steve Jobs returns with a gripping account of how Nobel Prize winner Jennifer Doudna and her colleagues launched a revolution that will allow us to cure diseases, fend off viruses, and have healthier babies.
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560 pages

Average rating: 7.98




Community Reviews

Nitin Mittal
Dec 02, 2023
7/10 stars
Can you imagine the ability to re-engineer your future generations - _blue eyed, stronger, taller, free from any disorders, immortal?!_ Would the distinction between man-made and natural exist in future? Is this "hacking" ethical? Today's discussion centered around these while Anusha presented a captivating book summary of *The Code Breaker* The book deals with three primary themes- 1. Jennifer Doudna tryst with biology and her shift to more
Shirley Bergert
Apr 18, 2023
10/10 stars
Well written, intriguing inside view of how laboratories compete and collaborate for funding, developing patents and making money for companies, institutions and scientists. The book is focused on Jennifer Doudna, awarded the 2020 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for her work developing CRISPR, a relatively simple gene editing technique, with the promise of development of methods of treating diseases, permanently editing for inherited traits (e.g., more
Mar 11, 2023
Mary Raven
Jan 28, 2023
6/10 stars
This book had lots of great information. I’m close to the topic so I found some on the details lacking. Also, the author struggled to make it feel cohesive.

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