The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts

Chapman explains that the five languages of love are: Words of affirmation Quality Time Receiving Gifts Acts of Service Physical Touch Because a fundamental fact of life is that people—usually partners in a relationship—speak different love languages, understanding what a spouse or partner needs to fulfill them emotionally is crucial to staying together.
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208 pages

Average rating: 8.27




Community Reviews

Nov 22, 2023
10/10 stars
So insightful! My fiance and I read this together and it's already made a difference in our interactions, and we were already so close!
Apr 26, 2023
8/10 stars
I wish this book had stopped right before chapter 10. I could have done without the rest of the book from that point. Two things happen in those chapters.

1. A man tells his wife he no longer loves her and is going to leave. She is devastated. This example is that he is really no longer "in love" and has actually found a lover that allows him to feel "in love."

Long story short, his love ends up finding out he is an annoying worm and ends the more

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