Reykjavik Nights: An Inspector Erlendur Novel (An Inspector Erlendur Series)

In Reykjavik Nights, a stunning prequel to his critically acclaimed Inspector Erlendur series, Arnaldur Indri ason gives his devoted fans a real shock.

Erlendur is a young officer assigned to traffic duties. He is not yet a detective. He works nights. Reykjav k's nights are full of car crashes, robberies, fights, drinking, and sometimes an unexplained death.

One night a homeless man Erlendur knows is found drowned. Then a young woman on her way home from a club vanishes and both cases go cold.

But Erlendur's instincts tell him that the fates of these two victims are worth pursuing. He is inexorably drawn into a world where everyone is either in the dark or on the run.
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304 pages

Average rating: 8


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